Physiotherapy refers to treatment methods that promote a person's ability to move and function,
and restore it. The treatment is based on the complaints and the functional, movement and mobility disorders.
Activity restrictions of the patient, which are determined during the physiotherapeutic examination.
It utilizes both diagnostic and clinical experience-based, as well as pedagogical and manual skills of the
therapists. If necessary, it is supplemented by natural physical stimuli called "physical therapy" (e.g. heat,
cold, pressure, radiation, electricity).
The treatment is based on the anatomical, physiological and cognitive characteristics of the person.
Treatment goals:
Restoration, maintenance or promotion of health
Elimination or reduction of pain
Physical, mental and social well-being
Improved understanding of the functioning of the organism and the associated benefits,
a responsible approach to one's own body
Manual therapy
Manual therapy is a treatment
performed by therapists
part of manual medicine.
The craniomandibular system
consists of the teeth of the
upper and lower jaw, the
chewing muscles, the temporomandibular joints,
the adjoining skull bones
and the cervical spine.
Manual lymphatic drainage
Manual lymphatic drainage
is the activation of the
lymph drainage or the decongestion
(drainage) of the tissue through
certain physiotherapeutic
Physical therapy
Physical therapy comprises
medical forms of treatment
that promote natural
reactions to external
Ultrasound therapy
Ultrasound involves
very fast successive
(high-frequency) sound waves,
which are inaudible to the human
not audible to the human ear.